Sunday, March 27, 2011

Deadmon Family

Before the Deadmons depart to Iowa, we spent our Sunday afternoon at Imperial Beach Pier for a few family photos. I am hoping these pictures will remind them how wonderful San Diego is & they will return soon. We will miss our friends. They are such good people that it is just a blessing to know them!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Waiting for Baby!

I always wanted to try a diaper cake.... so I tried it! Not too shabby, definitely not perfect, but for my first try & with not a lot of materials I think it's pretty darn cute! 39 weeks down and 1 to go.... ready to meet my newest prince, Jett Blake Frazier! He may be the last, but definitely not the least. I hope he will know that with God the sky is the limit :) Philippians 4:13 (Again, my own twist)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Train Trip to Candyland Photo Shoot

Can you keep a secret? Between you & me- I have had this Candyland theme floating in my dreams for over 8 months now! I am so excited that the time is near to celebrate my daughter's 3rd birthday. I always love doing colorful themes for her parties, so why not a sweet theme for a sweet girl?!?

I had a ball preparing and planning for her photo shoot and party. Yesterday we went to the Santa Fe Train Station in Downtown San Diego. Thanks to Etsy I was able to order her tutu from and her candy clip art from JW Illustrations so I could custom make her shirt on my computer.

I wish I could take credit for all the great shots, but my hubby was a huge help and took many of them!

The entire unedited photo shoot is here: coming soon!

I had fun doing many different editing tricks to some of my favorite shots!

Our princess Joëlle taking her one way trip to Candyland for her 3rd birthday!
Birthday Girl

These shoes are to Joie what glass slippers were to Cinderella, what red ruby slippers were to Dorothy!

Joëlle's train ticket
(ticket design inspired by one of my friend's creations... thanks Erin! )

Our little angel from Heaven

Waiting for her train ride

Dance like nobody is watching, check!

All Aboard!