Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Happy Jrue Day to me! Celebrating my 3rd born :)

So my youngest is 3 months old, the sun is starting to shine again. The crazy days that follow a newborn are fading away and I am finally able to get into a routine and have energy at the end of the day! I am now re-examining each child and what I love about them and reminding myself that all this craziness is actually more than worth it!

My 3rd born is knocking on 2 years old in a few months, and he definitely is my little guy who requires the most energy, but in exchange he is also the most entertaining! I love Jrue. He is so funny, very drooly, and such a delight to watch. I have nicknamed him Mr. Hollywood since he was 6 months old. He is full of face expressions, and although he is a small little guy his personality is huge! He's dramatic, welcomes attention, loves the challenge of making you laugh, and so far has no fears!

Yesterday I decided to snap a few photos of him right before his naptime.

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