Saturday, July 16, 2011

Julie's Baby Shower

Today I had the honor of attending and photographing a very cute baby shower. With a ton of adorable sea life decorations, mommy-to-be Julie was showered with love and laughter as her family and friends gathered around her to celebrate the soon to be arrival of Baby Ethan!

3 generations

More photos of Julie's baby shower are here. Password: babyethan

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Happy Jrue Day to me! Celebrating my 3rd born :)

So my youngest is 3 months old, the sun is starting to shine again. The crazy days that follow a newborn are fading away and I am finally able to get into a routine and have energy at the end of the day! I am now re-examining each child and what I love about them and reminding myself that all this craziness is actually more than worth it!

My 3rd born is knocking on 2 years old in a few months, and he definitely is my little guy who requires the most energy, but in exchange he is also the most entertaining! I love Jrue. He is so funny, very drooly, and such a delight to watch. I have nicknamed him Mr. Hollywood since he was 6 months old. He is full of face expressions, and although he is a small little guy his personality is huge! He's dramatic, welcomes attention, loves the challenge of making you laugh, and so far has no fears!

Yesterday I decided to snap a few photos of him right before his naptime.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

One Month!!!

Today Jett turned one month old! How happy I am to have April be over with! Starting it off with a drug free delivery! Ouch! & having to move, having visitors, still coaching track, and just trying to adjust and get some sleep was difficult. But today is a new day! A new month! And a special one! In one month this little guy has completely melted my heart... I am addicted to this kid!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Tiggeriffic Party

Our family was invited to celebrate Luke's 1st birthday! We had a blast celebrating the Little Tiger's Big Day! He was totally born to be wild, he was running around all over the park, enjoying his great family, wonderful friends, and totally scrumptious food! He even showed us his super cool weightlifting moves... it looks like he will be following in his athletic parent's footsteps! Of course I couldn't attend without playing party paparazzi for my friend Mary! Happy Birthday Luke! & Happy Mommy Anniversary Mary!The Birthday Boy!

Personal fave- Luke's cousin being kissed by his daddy, with his Grandpa in the background :D
Another little baby getting all the rave and attention babies deserve!
It just makes me smile!
The Everetts
Little Tiger

The Cool Tiger Cake

Birthday Smiles!

One of many cool gifts!

My son Jrue eating a cupcake :)

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Canceling Candyland :(

It's official... I will not be able to have my daughter's Candyland party. I am soooo bummed. I was hoping to have it on her actual birthday but her baby brother was born the day before & I could not get out of the hospital in time. Then I figured this weekend, however it is going to rain... which I guess I can't be too mad at, even though I live in Sunny San Diego I do have to make way for April Showers. Next weekend, we are moving. The weekend after is Easter. After that are mandatory track meets we have to attend since my husband & I are the coaches.... so by the time a free Saturday rolls around it'll be June & I'm pretty sure I'll confuse her if I give her a party then! :P
So it's goodbye dreams of a sweet filled day! Or... wait? Maybe I'll just hold off and plan a Candyland Christmas party?!?! I think that would be awesome!

So for the party I don't get to have now....
This would have been the my hubby & I were going to make:
There were many cool ones, but this was my favorite that I thought I could actually pull off! I found it here. I was going to make rainbow colored cake mix, however for Christmas... I'll do a red & green swirl instead. So when you cut into the inside, the kids will get a nice colorful surprise!

The party favors would have been these but on lollipop sticks.

I made her birthday banner using the lettering and clipart I used on her shirt. I still had one more line to make.

Photo Coming Soon

As for the rest of decorations and activities, I won't reveal that just yet... I'll wait until the Christmas party! Whew! Another 8 months to dream candy dreams.....

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Welcome Baby!

Meet Jett!

Jett, 2 days old

My newest reason to celebrate!!! Jett Blake Frazier, born April 1, 2011 at 4:16 am. 8 lbs. 3 oz. 21 inches. A very painful delivery (ahhh! no meds) but totally worthy occasion! I have fallen in love all over again :) & yes... his first birthday is already planned! LOL

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Deadmon Family

Before the Deadmons depart to Iowa, we spent our Sunday afternoon at Imperial Beach Pier for a few family photos. I am hoping these pictures will remind them how wonderful San Diego is & they will return soon. We will miss our friends. They are such good people that it is just a blessing to know them!